Are you looking for a place to belong?
We invite you to worship with us, to participate in the life and ministry of this congregation, and to inquire into membership.
Traditional and creative worship is the foundation of our life together. Four dynamic and caring ministers provide leadership for our life together in congregation and community. Questions of faith are welcomed and diversity respected. We are a Covenant Network congregation. People are supported through all stages of life.
Explore this website and join us for worship -- our historic pipe organ, professional level choir, and beautiful, recently updated building enhance the worship experience. We enjoy welcoming visitors and would value the opportunity to hear about your faith journey and how you might connect to this community of faith.

IPC 101:
An Introduction to Immanuel Church
TBA in January or February
following worship
Offered several times a year, this program provides an informal opportunity for visitors and new friends to get to know the congregation. We gather immediately following worship for a conversation about the worship, education, and mission ephases of the congregation as well as our Presbyterian heritage. The 45 minute program includes a tour of the church building and a time for questions.
Welcome to Immanuel:
Prospective Member Orientation
Being planned for January or February
following worship
The membership committee hosts quarterly Prospective Member Events. Participants learn about the history, ministry, and programs of the congregation, and have an opportunity to meet some of the members and officers of the congregation. New members are then received by the Session and welcomed by the congregation on a Sunday morning during worship.
Immanuel belongs, too.
Immanuel Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States. Immanuel is one of forty congregations in the Presbytery of Milwaukee. Since 1997, Immanuel has been a part of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians.
Click here for information about the creeds and confessions of the Presbyterian Church.
Tell me more.
If you would like more information about the church, have questions, or would like to talk with one of the ministers about membership, complete this form or contact the Rev. Rob Ater in the church office (414-276-4757).
We look forward to hearing from you.