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For Adults

Christian Education isn't just kid stuff!  Whatever our age or stage of life, we are always learning to “walk,” to live in God's ways.  


At every step of the way there are questions about the direction we go, the decisions we make, the company we keep.  Adult Christian Education continues the faith journey, giving us wisdom and insight.


We have walked together through some tough and timely subjects in our adult education program:  environmental concerns, gun violence, racial justice, urban housing, transforming families, and disaster relief.  There are matters of faith and church life that command our attention: biblical studies, hymnody, religious art, seasons of the church year, church history, and contemporary theological issues.  There are also issues of personal crisis and develop­ment that we discuss within the context of faith: grief and loss, value formation, the challenges of life transitions, parenting, aging.


The leadership for the adult education program is provided by Immanuel's ministers and members.  We also utilize the resources of area colleges, universities, and seminaries, and invite community leaders to speak about timely issues and concerns.


Christian education means that, whatever our age or stage in life, we are always on the move – intellectually and spiritually!



Sunday mornings


Forums are offered various Sunday (September through June) from 11:20 until noon in the Upper Room. The timing of the programs coincide with the Church School so that parents might enjoy the congregation’s educational programs while their children are in Church School.  

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