Immanuel calls
Associate Pastor
Teresa A. Larson
On Sunday, September 13, Immanuel Presbyterian Church officially welcomed Ms. Teresa A. Larson, elected in July to serve as an associate pastor. A former teacher, she is a recent graduate of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. The focus of her ministry is multigenerational Christian education and formation and congregational life.
Ms. Larson relocated to Milwaukee in August and began her ministry at Immanuel Church on September 1.
Sunday, October 4, 3:00 p.m., CDT
Chapel of the Pines + Camp Greenwood + Presbytery of Lake Michigan
Ms. Larson was successfully examined for ordination by the Presbytery of Lake Michigan on September 19th (congratulations!). She will be ordained in the outdoor Chapel at Camp Greenwood in Michigan, a special place of vocational discernment in her life!
Members of the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC) will attend on Immanuel's behalf with Immanuel Elders Nancy Debbink and Carol Tsao participating.
Livestream link to attend virtually.
Worship bulletin with Order of Service.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated. Gather bread and wine and join Teresa virtually, at the table.
Facebook event invitation link with more details or click on the image below.
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Associate Pastor Election Announcement:
On Sunday, July 12 at a specially called virtual Meeting of the Congregation, members of Immanuel Presbyterian Church joyfully and enthusiastically elected Teresa A. Larson to serve as Immanuel's next Associate Pastor. The focus of her ministry will be multigenerational Christian Education and formation and congregational life. She will join the Rev. Dr. Deborah A. Block (Pastor and Head of Staff) and the Rev. Robert W. Ater (Associate Pastor) in providing pastoral leadership to a congregation of over 500 members.
The agenda for the congregational meeting included a detailed report from the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee on their process and the many reasons why they felt Ms. Larson was the right person to serve the congregation in this ministry. The candidate shared her impressions of the congregation and search committee and her strong sense of call to join Immanuel in ministry and mission. Members were invited to ask questions of both the committee and candidate before voting to elect the new associate pastor to the sights and sounds of smiles, clapping and laughter over the Zoom call attended by over 100 Immanuel households.
A recent graduate of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, the new associate pastor-elect, Teresa Larson
will relocate to Milwaukee in August and plans to begin her ministry at Immanuel on September 1, 2020.
Plans for services of ordination and installation are pending.
Many thanks to the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee:
Deborah Anderson, Audra Brennan, Nancy Debbink, Sara Hein (co-chair), David Johnstone (co-chair), David Plank, and Scott Silet
June 29 letter to the congregation
from the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee:
Dear Immanuel Members and Friends,
Your Associate Pastor Nominating Committee is excited and honored to introduce our nominee for
Associate Pastor for Multigenerational Christian Education/Formation and Congregational Life, Teresa Larson!

In reviewing nearly 100 resumes, and getting creative with the interview process in the midst of Covid-19, Ms. Larson impressed us every step of the way. She “checked all the boxes” of what we were looking for in this position. We enthusiastically and unanimously agreed that her education and experience are a great match for the job. We were inspired by her energy and enthusiasm. And we were moved by the strength of her faith. We are confident you will be as well.
Ms. Larson graduated from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary with her Master of Divinity degree this May, with a concentration in Christian Education, earning awards for Academic Excellence and Field Education. Originally from just outside Lansing, Michigan, she received her B.A. in elementary education from Alma College. Her call to ministry first began to unfold as a call to be a teacher, and she taught preschool in Michigan and Chicago (through the PCUSA’s Young Adult Volunteer program) before making the leap to seminary. While she was teaching, she also served as Director of Youth Ministries at the First Presbyterian Church of Holland, MI. During and since her time at seminary she serves as an intern at Second Presbyterian Church in Louisville, KY. She serves the wider church as well, including as an assistant at this year’s General Assembly, and having one of her video sermons used as a denominational resource for this year’s Pentecost special offering.
In her own words, “My joy and passion for ministry is rooted in the truth that our creating God has created us in God’s image, claims us beloved, and is continuously extending invitations to participate in the Spirit’s transformative work with abounding hospitality.”
You can learn more about Ms. Larson by visiting her personal website at:
The Session has called a Congregational Meeting for July 12 at 11:15 a.m on Zoom to consider and vote on Ms. Larson’s call. She will preach in the worship service that morning. We are excited to have you meet her, and more information will be coming on virtual meet-and-greet opportunities between now and then. If approved by the congregation, Ms. Larson will start work on September 1.
She will have primary responsibility for guiding ministries in Christian education/formation, from childhood to youth to adulthood, while sharing pastoral care with the other ministers and the deacons, participating in leading worship on a weekly basis (preaching periodically), and supporting the congregational life ministry of the Parish Life Council. Her ordination will occur when it is safe to gather and practice the laying on of hands.
In Gratitude,
Associate Pastor Nominating Committee:
Sara Hein and David Johnstone, co-chairs
Deborah Anderson, Audra Brennan, Nancy Debbink, David Plank, and Scott Silet